Reading 1

Reading 1: The Mechanics of Visualization


Pencil is most commonly used.
Paper:  all verities work better with different mediums.
You pick your eraser based off of what you’re drawing with.
Use the appropriate sharpener.
Drawing tools include pens and ink, brushes and ink, as well as digital drawing.

The Sketch: The free flow of ideas onto paper without self-consciousness.This is not a finished project and will go through many more editions.

The Finished Drawing: A complete drawing that contains both accuracy in observation and authenticity.

The Observed:

Drawn from life.
One must know what to include and what to leave out.

The Imagined:

Requires research and an active imagination.
Often an assemblage of information the artist has gathered into one piece.

Painting, Printmaking, and Assemblage:

Gouache: lighter water colors, used as a wash when water is added.
Acrylic: thick textured, similar to oil paint.
Watercolor: “a darker form of gouache.


Wood engravings: carved wood that is then printed.
Linocut: carved soft linoleum that is then printed.
Drypoint: an image scratched onto a soft plate then printed.
Etching: acid eats away exposed metal; the plate is then printed.
Engraving: lines are cut into a metal plate then printed.
Lithography: a wax-resist technique where an image is drawn on a stone with wax that, through a long and labor filled process, prints are pulled from the inked stone.
Screenprinting: a screen is used  to lay layers of ink onto paper.
Monoprinting: the image it drawn on glass/plexi-glass and then printed.
Digital printing: limited-edition, digital fine-prints.

Assemblage/Collage: Collage of found images / surrealist / dada.

Digital: Mimics the feeling of a analog art medium.

Traditions of Depicting Space

Space: The illusion of a 3-D object in 2-D medium. 

The Indian Tradition:

Explored perspective by using space / over lapping.
Size would change depending on status of the depicted.

The East Asian Tradition:

calligraphy, drawing, and painting.
Line(different thicknesses) / One color.
Similar over lap like african and india art.

The African Tradition:

Sculptures and paintings.
Style that emphasizes religious ideas, practices, and rituals.
Egyptian perspective, side-on (torso front).

The Western Tradition:

Was similar to eastern styles until perspective was introduced.
Focused on scientific understanding that started to challenge religion. 


Guided Principles:

Parallel lines appear to converge when views cross.
Atmospheric perspective.
Texture and pattern. 

One-point Perspective: One vanishing point.

Two-point Perspective: Two vanishing points.

Three-point Perspective: Three vanishing points.